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The Management Plan for Water Quality Control of the North District Reservoir in 2020

To enhance the reservoir watershed soil conservation and improve its water quality, the Executive Yuan approved “Forward-looking infrastructure development program: The enhancement of reservoir watershed conservation plan”. The purpose of this project include: (1) map the pollution hotspot of major reservoir in the north district, (2) draw up the guideline of the evaluated principle to nonpoint pollution in the reservoir, (3) draw up the guideline of the selection of pollution hotspot in the reservoir watershed and TMDL effectiveness, and (4) following up the forward-looking infrastructure development program. The major reservoir of north district was Xinshan, Feitsui, Shihmen, Paoshanl, Yongheshan, Mingde and Lyiutan. Xinshan reservoir was lack of data, in this plan were supplementary investigated. The Xinshan Reservoir source of water is the Keelung River. According to pollution assessment and survey results, Shen-Ao Keng Creek’s water quality was affect a lot. The major of water pollution in this area was point source. The results indicated that the average annual TP loading into Mingte reservoir is 31,813 kg / year estimated by SWMM/ BASINS. It is recommended to strengthen the control of point source pollution to maintain the water quality of the Xinshan Reservoir. This project produces 3 guidelines for reservoir water quality, to provide consistent pollution investigation and assessment methods in catchment areas, e.g. purification tank, MSL, and bioretetion system. The results showed that an integrated control action plan for both point and nonpoint sources of pollution in the watershed can be developed, and assist the EPA to conduct inspections of pollution reduction projects in the catchment area and provide suggestions for improvement.
Reservoir, Nutrients, MSL, Assessment of total phosphorus pollution